Wednesday 31 October 2007


Since I’ve been actively engaging in the blogosphere (yes I know I’m the very last...). I find that there are a mere three dozen or so blogs I regularly visit or which I follow through RSS.
All these blogs more or less treat the same subjects (brands and other related shizzle), which is the reason I read them, they’re interesting to me.

Obviously the people who are writing these blogs share some of my interests (and huray for that). Therefore quite often I run into similar articles on different blogs. These three dozen or so are what I would like to call my personal blog-bubble
So let’s assume here that these three-dozen blog writers all read each other’s blogs. Now if you wanted to get your hip and happening viral (sorry for that word) message across about say, a new ‘neuro marketing thingie’, all you have to do is tap into one of these three dozen blogs and we (yes I do see these three dozen as we) would know all about it and most likely write about it.

From a less egocentric point of view; is it actually interesting to be mentioned on these blogs because, well in the end it’s only going to be three dozen writing/reading about it.
Or are there more people reading this and are there interconnecting blogs which bridge the gap between two different blog-bubbles. These would be even more interesting to watch and use as a ‘viral’ engine.

But as I said, just a thought.

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